David's story, cardiac arrest survivor
David's story, cardiac arrest survivor
"That I survived totally intact after almost 20 minutes before my heart was restarted is incredible - I really am one of the very lucky ones."

"Not many people can say that they have saved a life, but my wife Sabrina can, and I am more grateful than I can ever express.
The nurse at Royal Papworth Hospital told me how “amazing” here efforts were. She said: “We only do two minutes of CPR at a time and then swap over; it’s such hard work. She did 15 minutes on you all by herself!”.
I suffered a cardiac arrest at home late at night. After what seemed an incredibly vivid dream, I woke in Royal Papworth Hospital. After two days in critical care, I was deemed well enough to leave critical care and move to a normal ward.
After another couple of days, I went under the knife to be fitted with my own personal subcutaneous defibrillator, just in case my heart decided to stop working again. The next day it was time to go home.
Two days of convalescence watching TV and I felt well enough to start working back on the farm. What a testament to our NHS that 11 days after I spent 15 minutes dead on my bedroom floor, I was back at work, albeit slightly uncomfortably.
Over 90% of people who suffer a cardiac arrest out of hospital die, and many of those who don’t die are left with brain damage due to lack of oxygen.
That I survived totally intact after almost 20 minutes before my heart was restarted is incredible - I really am one of the very lucky ones.
Thank God Sabrina turned out to be so good at CPR - if only everyone would learn the skill!"