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Public board meetings and papers

Our next meeting

In Public Trust Board Meeting

Our next In Public Board Meeting will take place on 11 September 2024 between 09:30 and 12:30.

The live event platform has a chat function by which it is possible for you to ask simple questions. The event moderator will monitor chat during the meeting and look for ways to address the points raised. For reasons of continuity, where possible these points will be published to the 'featured' chat feed and answered by Board members in the Q&A at the close of business.

Any longer questions will unfortunately not be practical for this format and will need to be reposted offline to All questions and answers will be minuted in due course on our Trust website.

Board papers and recordings

Papers for all our public board meetings are available to view prior to each meeting.

Our next public board meeting takes place on 11 September 2024.

Previous board meetings

Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting took place on 6 September 2023.

The minutes from the previous annual general meeting 27 September 2022 are available to download here.

In Public Board Meetings

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